Source code for paramtools.parameters

import copy
import os
import json
import itertools
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from functools import reduce

import numpy as np
from marshmallow import ValidationError as MarshmallowValidationError

from paramtools.build_schema import SchemaBuilder
from paramtools import utils
from paramtools.exceptions import (

[docs]class Parameters: schema = None defaults = None field_map = {} array_first = False def __init__(self, initial_state=None, array_first=None): sb = SchemaBuilder(self.schema, self.defaults, self.field_map) defaults, self._validator_schema = sb.build_schemas() self.dim_validators = sb.dim_validators self._stateless_dim_mesh = OrderedDict( [(name, v.mesh()) for name, v in self.dim_validators.items()] ) self.dim_mesh = copy.deepcopy(self._stateless_dim_mesh) self._data = defaults self._validator_schema.context["spec"] = self self._errors = {} self._state = initial_state or {} if array_first is not None: self.array_first = array_first self.set_state()
[docs] def set_state(self, **dims): """ Sets state for the Parameters instance. The state, dim_mesh, and parameter attributes are all updated with the new state. Raises: ValidationError if the dims kwargs contain dimensions that are not specified in schema.json or if the dimension values fail the validator set for the corresponding dimension in schema.json. """ messages = {} for name, values in dims.items(): if name not in self.dim_validators: messages[name] = f"{name} is not a valid dimension." continue if not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] for value in values: try: self.dim_validators[name].deserialize(value) except MarshmallowValidationError as ve: messages[name] = str(ve) if messages: raise ValidationError(messages, dims=None) self._state.update(dims) for dim_name, dim_value in self._state.items(): if not isinstance(dim_value, list): dim_value = [dim_value] self.dim_mesh[dim_name] = dim_value spec = self.specification(include_empty=True, **self._state) for name, value in spec.items(): if name in collision_list: raise ParameterNameCollisionException( f"The paramter name, '{name}', is already used by the Parameters object." ) if self.array_first: setattr(self, name, self.to_array(name)) else: setattr(self, name, value)
[docs] def clear_state(self): """ Reset the state of the Parameters instance. """ self._state = {} self.dim_mesh = copy.deepcopy(self._stateless_dim_mesh) self.set_state()
[docs] def view_state(self): """ Access the dimension state of the ``Parameters`` instance. """ return self._state
def read_params(self, params_or_path): if isinstance(params_or_path, str) and os.path.exists(params_or_path): params = utils.read_json(params_or_path) elif isinstance(params_or_path, str): params = json.loads(params_or_path) elif isinstance(params_or_path, dict): params = params_or_path else: raise ValueError("params_or_path is not dict or file path") return params
[docs] def adjust(self, params_or_path, raise_errors=True): """ Deserialize and validate parameter adjustments. `params_or_path` can be a file path or a `dict` that has not been fully deserialized. The adjusted values replace the current values stored in the corresponding parameter attributes. Raises: marshmallow.exceptions.ValidationError if data is not valid. ParameterUpdateException if dimension values do not match at least one existing value item's corresponding dimension values. """ params = self.read_params(params_or_path) # Validate user adjustments. try: clean_params = self._validator_schema.load(params) except MarshmallowValidationError as ve: self._parse_errors(ve, params) if not self._errors: for param, value in clean_params.items(): self._update_param(param, value) self._validator_schema.context["spec"] = self if raise_errors and self._errors: raise self.validation_error # Update attrs. self.set_state()
@property def errors(self): new_errors = {} if self._errors: for param, messages in self._errors["messages"].items(): new_errors[param] = utils.ravel(messages) return new_errors @property def validation_error(self): return ValidationError(self._errors["messages"], self._errors["dims"])
[docs] def specification( self, use_state=True, meta_data=False, include_empty=False, **dims ): """ Query value(s) of all parameters along dimensions specified in ``dims``. If ``use_state`` is ``True``, the current state is updated with ``dims``. If ``meta_data`` is ``True``, then parameter attributes are included, too. If ``include_empty`` is ``True``, then values that do not match the query dimensions set with ``self._state`` or ``dims`` will be included and set to an empty list. Returns: serialized data of shape {"param_name": [{"value": val, "dim0": ..., }], ...} """ if use_state: dims.update(self._state) all_params = OrderedDict() for param in self._validator_schema.fields: result = self._get(param, False, **dims) if result or include_empty: if meta_data: param_data = self._data[param] result = dict(param_data, **{"value": result}) all_params[param] = result return all_params
[docs] def to_array(self, param): """ Convert a Value object to an n-dimensional array. The list of Value objects must span the specified parameter space. The parameter space is defined by inspecting the dimension validators in schema.json and the state attribute of the Parameters instance. Returns: n-dimensional NumPy array. Raises: InconsistentDimensionsException: Value objects do not have consistent dimensions. SparseValueObjectsException: Value object does not span the entire space specified by the Order object. """ value_items = self._get(param, False, **self._state) dim_order, value_order = self._resolve_order(param) shape = [] for dim in dim_order: shape.append(len(value_order[dim])) shape = tuple(shape) arr = np.empty(shape, dtype=self._numpy_type(param)) # Compare len value items with the expected length if they are full. # In the futute, sparse objects should be supported by filling in the # unspecified dimensions. if not shape: exp_full_shape = 1 else: exp_full_shape = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, shape) if len(value_items) != exp_full_shape: # maintains dimension value order over value objects. exp_mesh = list(itertools.product(*value_order.values())) # preserve dimension value order for each value object by # iterating over dim_order. actual = set( [tuple(vo[d] for d in dim_order) for vo in value_items] ) missing = "\n\t".join( [str(d) for d in exp_mesh if d not in actual] ) raise SparseValueObjectsException( f"The Value objects for {param} do not span the specified " f"parameter space. Missing combinations:\n\t{missing}" ) def list_2_tuple(x): return tuple(x) if isinstance(x, list) else x for vi in value_items: # ix stores the indices of `arr` that need to be filled in. ix = [[] for i in range(len(dim_order))] for dim_pos, dim_name in enumerate(dim_order): # assume value_items is dense in the sense that it spans # the dimension space. ix[dim_pos].append(value_order[dim_name].index(vi[dim_name])) ix = tuple(map(list_2_tuple, ix)) arr[ix] = vi["value"] return arr
[docs] def from_array(self, param, array=None): """ Convert NumPy array to a Value object. Returns: Value object (shape: [{"value": val, dims:...}]) Raises: InconsistentDimensionsException: Value objects do not have consistent dimensions. """ if array is None: array = getattr(self, param) if not isinstance(array, np.ndarray): raise TypeError( "A NumPy Ndarray should be passed to this method " "or the instance attribute should be an array." ) dim_order, value_order = self._resolve_order(param) dim_values = itertools.product(*value_order.values()) dim_indices = itertools.product( *map(lambda x: range(len(x)), value_order.values()) ) value_items = [] for dv, di in zip(dim_values, dim_indices): vi = {dim_order[j]: dv[j] for j in range(len(dv))} vi["value"] = array[di] value_items.append(vi) return value_items
def _resolve_order(self, param): """ Resolve the order of the dimensions and their values by inspecting data in the dimension mesh values. The dimension mesh for all dimensions is stored in the dim_mesh attribute. The dimensions to be used are the ones that are specified for each value object. Note that the dimensions must be specified _consistently_ for all value objects, i.e. none can be added or omitted for any value object in the list. Returns: dim_order: The dimension order. value_order: The values, in order, for each dimension. Raises: InconsistentDimensionsException: Value objects do not have consistent dimensions. """ value_items = self._get(param, False, **self._state) used = utils.consistent_dims(value_items) if used is None: raise InconsistentDimensionsException( f"Some dimensions in {value_items} were added or omitted for some value object(s)." ) dim_order, value_order = [], {} for dim_name, dim_values in self.dim_mesh.items(): if dim_name in used: dim_order.append(dim_name) value_order[dim_name] = dim_values return dim_order, value_order def _numpy_type(self, param): """ Get the numpy type for a given parameter. """ return ( self._validator_schema.fields[param].nested.fields["value"].np_type ) def _get(self, param, exact_match, **dims): """ Query a parameter along some dimensions. If exact_match is True, all values in `dims` must be equal to the corresponding dimension in the parameter's "value" dictionary. Ignores state. Returns: [{"value": val, "dim0": ..., }] """ value_objects = self._data[param]["value"] ret = [] for value_object in value_objects: matches = [] for dim_name, dim_value in dims.items(): if dim_name in value_object or exact_match: if isinstance(dim_value, list): match = value_object[dim_name] in dim_value else: match = value_object[dim_name] == dim_value matches.append(match) if all(matches): ret.append(value_object) return ret def _update_param(self, param, new_values): """ Update the current parameter values with those specified by the adjustment. The values that need to be updated are chosen by finding all value items with dimension values matching the dimension values specified in the adjustment. If the value is set to None, then that value object will be removed. Note: _update_param used to raise a ParameterUpdateException if one of the new values did not match at least one of the current value objects. However, this was dropped to better support the case where the parameters are being extended along some dimension to fill the parameter space. An exception could be raised if a new value object contains a dimension that is not used in the current value objects for the parameter. However, it seems like it could be expensive to check this case, especially when a project is extending parameters. For now, no exceptions are raised by this method. """ curr_vals = self._data[param]["value"] for i in range(len(new_values)): matched_at_least_once = False dims_to_check = tuple(k for k in new_values[i] if k != "value") to_delete = [] for j in range(len(curr_vals)): match = all( curr_vals[j][k] == new_values[i][k] for k in dims_to_check ) if match: matched_at_least_once = True if new_values[i]["value"] is None: to_delete.append(j) else: curr_vals[j]["value"] = new_values[i]["value"] if to_delete: # Iterate in reverse so that indices point to the correct # value. If iterating ascending then the values will be shifted # towards the front of the list as items are removed. for ix in sorted(to_delete, reverse=True): del curr_vals[ix] if not matched_at_least_once: curr_vals.append(new_values[i]) def _parse_errors(self, ve, params): """ Parse the error messages given by marshmallow. Marshamllow error structure: { "list_param": { 0: { "value": { 0: [err message for first item in value list] i: [err message for i-th item in value list] } }, i-th value object: { "value": { 0: [...], ... } }, } "nonlist_param": { 0: { "value": [err message] }, ... } } self._errors structure: { "messages": { "param": [ ["value": {0: [msg0, msg1, ...], other_bad_ix: ...}, "dim0": {0: msg, ...} // if errors on dimension values. ], ... }, "dim": { "param": [ {dim_name: dim_value, other_dim_name: other_dim_value}, ... // list indices correspond to the error messages' indices // of the error messages caused by the value of this value // object. ] } } """ error_info = {"messages": defaultdict(dict), "dims": defaultdict(dict)} def to_list(value, messages, formatted_errors): for message in messages: is_type_error = message.startswith( "Invalid" ) or message.startswith("Not a valid") if is_type_error: formatted_errors_ix.append(f"{message[:-1]}: {value}.") else: formatted_errors_ix.append(message) for pname, data in ve.messages.items(): error_dims = [] formatted_errors = [] for ix, marshmessages in data.items(): error_dims.append( { k: v for k, v in params[pname][ix].items() if k != "value" } ) formatted_errors_ix = [] for attribute, messages in marshmessages.items(): value = params[pname][ix][attribute] if isinstance(messages, list): to_list(value, messages, formatted_errors) else: for val_ix, messagelist in messages.items(): to_list( value[val_ix], messagelist, formatted_errors_ix ) formatted_errors.append(formatted_errors_ix) error_info["messages"][pname] = formatted_errors error_info["dims"][pname] = error_dims self._errors.update(dict(error_info))