JSON Spec ========= Specification Schema -------------------- Define the dimensions of the parameter space. - "schema\_name": Name of the schema. - "dims": Mapping of `Dimension objects <#dimension-object>`__. - "optional\_params": Mapping of `Optional objects <#optional-object>`__. - Example: .. code:: json { "schema_name": "policy", "dims": { "year": { "type": "int", "validators": {"range": {"min": 2013, "max": 2027}} }, "marital_status": { "type": "str", "validators": {"choice": {"choices": ["single", "joint", "separate", "headhousehold", "widow"]}} }, "idedtype": { "type": "str", "validators": {"choice": {"choices": ["medical", "statelocal", "realestate", "casualty", "misc", "interest", "charity"]}} }, "EIC": { "type": "str", "validators": {"choice": {"choices": ["0kids", "1kid", "2kids", "3+kids"]}} } }, "optional": { "section_1": {"type": "str", "number_dims": 0}, "section_2": {"type": "str", "number_dims": 0}, "section_3": {"type": "str", "number_dims": 0}, "irs_ref": {"type": "str", "number_dims": 0}, "start_year": {"type": "int", "number_dims": 0}, "cpi_inflatable": {"type": "bool", "number_dims": 0}, "cpi_inflated": {"type": "bool", "number_dims": 0}, "compatible_data": {"type": "compatible_data", "number_dims": null} } } Default Specification --------------------- Define the default values of the project"s parameter space. - A mapping of `Parameter Objects <#parameter-object>`__. - Example: .. code:: json { "standard_deduction": { "title": "Standard deduction amount", "description": "Amount filing unit can use as a standard deduction.", "section_1": "Standard Deduction", "section_2": "Standard Deduction Amount", "irs_ref": "Form 1040, line 8, instructions. ", "notes": "", "start_year": 2024, "cpi_inflatable": true, "cpi_inflated": true, "type": "float", "number_dims": 0, "value": [ {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "single", "value": 13673.68}, {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "joint", "value": 27347.36}, {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "separate", "value": 13673.68}, {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "headhousehold", "value": 20510.52}, {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "widow", "value": 27347.36}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "single", "value": 13967.66}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "joint", "value": 27935.33}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "separate", "value": 13967.66}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "headhousehold", "value": 20951.49}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "widow", "value": 27935.33}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "single", "value": 7690.0}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "joint", "value": 15380.0}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "separate", "value": 7690.0}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "headhousehold", "value": 11323.0}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "widow", "value": 15380.0}], "out_of_range_minmsg": "", "out_of_range_maxmsg": "", "out_of_range_action": "stop", "validators": { "range": { "min": 0, "max": 9e+99 } } }, "social_security_tax_rate": { "description": "Social Security FICA rate, including both employer and employee.", "section_1": "Payroll Taxes", "section_2": "Social Security FICA", "irs_ref": "", "notes": "", "start_year": 2026, "cpi_inflatable": false, "cpi_inflated": false, "value": [ {"year": 2024, "value": 0.124}, {"year": 2025, "value": 0.124}, {"year": 2026, "value": 0.124} ], "out_of_range_minmsg": "", "out_of_range_maxmsg": "", "out_of_range_action": "stop", "number_dims": 0, "title": "Social Security payroll tax rate", "type": "float", "validators": { "range": { "min": 0, "max": 1 } } }, "ii_bracket_1": { "title": "Personal income (regular/non-AMT/non-pass-through) tax bracket (upper threshold) 1", "description": "Taxable income below this threshold is taxed at tax rate 1.", "section_1": "Personal Income", "section_2": "Regular: Non-AMT, Non-Pass-Through", "irs_ref": "Form 1040, line 44, instruction (Schedule XYZ).", "notes": "", "start_year": 2013, "cpi_inflatable": true, "cpi_inflated": true, "number_dims": 0, "type": "float", "value": [ {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "single", "value": 10853.48}, {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "joint", "value": 21706.97}, {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "separate", "value": 10853.48}, {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "headhousehold", "value": 15496.84}, {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "widow", "value": 21706.97}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "single", "value": 11086.83}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "joint", "value": 22173.66}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "separate", "value": 11086.83}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "headhousehold", "value": 15830.02}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "widow", "value": 22173.66}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "single", "value": 11293.0}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "joint", "value": 22585.0}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "separate", "value": 11293.0}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "headhousehold", "value": 16167.0}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "widow", "value": 22585.0}], "out_of_range_minmsg": "", "out_of_range_maxmsg": "for _II_brk2", "out_of_range_action": "stop", "validators": { "range": { "min": 0, "max": "ii_bracket_2" } } }, "ii_bracket_2": { "title": "Personal income (regular/non-AMT/non-pass-through) tax bracket (upper threshold) 2", "description": "Income below this threshold and above tax bracket 1 is taxed at tax rate 2.", "section_1": "Personal Income", "section_2": "Regular: Non-AMT, Non-Pass-Through", "irs_ref": "Form 1040, line 11, instruction (Schedule XYZ).", "notes": "", "start_year": 2013, "cpi_inflatable": true, "cpi_inflated": true, "number_dims": 0, "type": "float", "value": [ {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "single", "value": 44097.61}, {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "joint", "value": 88195.23}, {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "separate", "value": 44097.61}, {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "headhousehold", "value": 59024.71}, {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "widow", "value": 88195.23}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "single", "value": 45045.71}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "joint", "value": 90091.43}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "separate", "value": 45045.71}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "headhousehold", "value": 60293.74}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "widow", "value": 90091.43}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "single", "value": 45957.0}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "joint", "value": 91915.0}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "separate", "value": 45957.0}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "headhousehold", "value": 61519.0}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "widow", "value": 91915.0}], "out_of_range_minmsg": "", "out_of_range_maxmsg": "", "out_of_range_action": "stop", "validators": { "range": { "min": "ii_bracket_1", "max": 9e+99 } } } } Adjustment Schema ----------------- Adjust a given specification. - A mapping of parameters and lists of `Value objects <#value-object>`__. - Example: .. code:: json { "standard_deduction": [ {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "single", "value": 10000.0} ], "social_security_tax_rate": [ {"year": 2026, "value": 0.14} ] } JSON Object and Property Definitions ------------------------------------ Objects ~~~~~~~ Dimension object ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Used for defining the dimensions of the parameter space. - "type": Define the datatype of the dimension values. See the `Type property <#type-property>`__. - "validators": A mapping of `Validator objects <#validator-object>`__ .. code:: json { "marital_status": { "type": "str", "validators": {"choice": {"choices": ["single", "joint", "separate", "headhousehold", "widow"]}} } } Optional object ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Used for defining optional parameters on the schema. Upstream projects may find it value to attach additional information to each parameter that is not essential for ParamTools to perform validation. - Arguments: - "type": See `Type property <#type-property>`__. - "number\_dims": See `Number-Dimensions Property <#number-dimensions-property>`__. - Example: .. code:: json { "start_year": {"type": "int", "number_dims": 0} } - Note: `Validator objects <#validator-object>`__ may be defined on this object in the future. Parameter object ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Used for documenting the parameter and defining the default value of a parameter over the entire parameter space and its validation behavior. - Arguments: - "param\_name": The name of the parameter as it is used in the modeling project. - "title": "title": A human readable name for the parameter. - "description": Describes the parameter. - "notes": Additional advice or information. - "type": Data type of the parameter. See `Type property <#type-property>`__. - "number\_dims": Number of dimensions of the parameter. See `Number-Dimensions property <#number-dimensions-property>`__ - "value": A list of `Value objects <#value-object>`__. - "validators": A mapping of `Validator objects <#validator-object>`__. - "out\_of\_range\_{min/max/other op}\_msg": Extra information to be used in the message(s) that will be displayed if the parameter value is outside of the specified range. Note that this is in the spec but not currently implemented. - "out\_of\_range\_action": Action to take when specified parameter is outside of the specified range. Options are "stop" or "warn". Note that this is in the spec but only "stop" is currently implemented. - Example: .. code:: json { "standard_deduction": { "title": "Standard deduction amount", "description": "Amount filing unit can use as a standard deduction.", "section_1": "Standard Deduction", "section_2": "Standard Deduction Amount", "irs_ref": "Form 1040, line 8, instructions. ", "notes": "", "start_year": 2013, "cpi_inflatable": true, "cpi_inflated": true, "type": "float", "number_dims": 0, "value": [ {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "single", "value": 13673.68}, {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "joint", "value": 27347.36}, {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "separate", "value": 13673.68}, {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "headhousehold", "value": 20510.52}, {"year": 2024, "marital_status": "widow", "value": 27347.36}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "single", "value": 13967.66}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "joint", "value": 27935.33}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "separate", "value": 13967.66}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "headhousehold", "value": 20951.49}, {"year": 2025, "marital_status": "widow", "value": 27935.33}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "single", "value": 7690.0}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "joint", "value": 15380.0}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "separate", "value": 7690.0}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "headhousehold", "value": 11323.0}, {"year": 2026, "marital_status": "widow", "value": 15380.0}], "out_of_range_minmsg": "", "out_of_range_maxmsg": "", "out_of_range_action": "stop", "compatible_data": { "puf": true, "cps": true }, "validators": { "range": { "min": 0, "max": 9e+99 } } } } Validator object ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Used for validating user input. - Available validators: - "range": Define a minimum and maximum value for a parameter. - Arguments: - "min": Minimum allowed value. - "max": Maximum allowed value. - Example: .. code:: json { "range": {"min": 0, "max": 10} } - "choice": Define a set of values that this parameter can take. - Arguments: - "choice": List of allowed values. - Example: .. code:: json { "choice": {"choices": ["allowed choice", "another allowed choice"]} } - "date_range": Define a minimum and maximum value for a date type parameter. - Arguments: - "min": Minimum allowed value. - "max": Maximum allowed value. - Example: .. code:: json { "range": {"min": "2019-01-01", "max": "2019-06-01"} } Value object ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Used to describe the value of a parameter for one or more points in the parameter space. - "value": The value of the parameter at this point in space. - Zero or more dimension properties that define which parts of the parameter space this value should be applied to. These dimension properties are defined by `Dimension objects <#dimension-object>`__ in the `Specification Schema <#specification-schema>`__. - Example: .. code:: json { "year": 2026, "marital_status": "single", "value": 7690.0 } Properties ~~~~~~~~~~ Type property ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - "type": The parameter"s data type. Supported types are: - "int": Integer. - "float": Floating point. - "bool": Boolean. Either True or False. - "str": String. - "date": Date. Needs to be of the format "YYYY-MM-DD". - Example: .. code:: json { "type": "int" } Number-Dimensions property ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - "number\_dims": The number of dimensions for the specified value. A scalar (e.g. 10) has zero dimensions, a list (e.g. [1, 2]) has one dimension, a nested list (e.g. [[1, 2], [3, 4]]) has two dimensions, etc. - Example: Note that "value" is a scalar. .. code:: json { "number_dims": 0, "value": [{"year": 2026, "marital_status": "single", "value": 7690.0}] } Note that "value" is an one-dimensional list. .. code:: json { "number_dims": 1, "value": [{"position": "shortstop", "value": ["Derek Jeter", "Andrelton Simmons"]}] }